David Wernsing specializes in international labour migration. David advises an extensive range of companies throughout the European Union that are working in the Netherlands on the aspects of immigration law, offering holistic solutions. In addition to advising clients, David frequently litigates against the Dutch government in fine cases, or other immigration cases, which has led to changes in national policies, and also litigated before the European Court of Justice in relation to the posting of third-country nationals. David is a member of the Specialists Association of Migration Lawyers. He advises on all aspects of Dutch immigration law, with a focus on labour migration.
'I am swift and pragmatic, while being profound and tenacious when needed'.
David has registered the following main (and sub) areas of law in the register of areas of law of the Dutch Bar Association:
- Employment law - International employment law
- Immigration law
Pursuant to this registration, he is obliged to obtain ten permanent education in each registered main area of law each calendar year in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.
e-mail: david@lwlaw.nl
mobile: +31 6 44016943